Li Shun, as a contemporary artist who intends to “break the scene", embodied new media art language in traditional aesthetics and philosophy, establishing a new platform that contains highly personal characteristics. One of his significant series utilize traces of lights, as a medium blended with memories of time and space, as brush strokes to compose calligraphy. Li Shun's innovative approach doesn't only mark a breakthrough in its format, more importantly, his composition brings the original metaphysical practice of calligraphy to an expressive exit. It transforms the internal to its external and it impacts the written words with an extra narrative, the works therefore became perceptual. Meanwhile, Li Shun's works expand the path of photography as an art form. They break the limits of photography and they bring the object of calligraphy, Chinese characters back to their graphic origin. He has been trying to reconstruct the unwritten doctrines in artistic creation, while developing a connection between the two seemingly parallel world's of images and written words.