"Study the Nature of Things series. At night, Li Shun drove his car through the city and collects the light with his camera using long-time exposures. He then selected thousands of random lines and composes them into parts of Chinese characters. Then he referred to calligraphy dictionary and made Chinese characters or quasi-characters out of them. This is an arduous yet interesting process. The final result is ‘calligraphy of lights’, which is a piece of works done by nature instead of after nature. It is a combination of nature and artificial through manual work. One of the features of contemporary art is to make a simple thing complicated. In this process, what the artist adds is not meaningless irrigation, but nutrition, or rather complicated content. The artist extracted Chinese calligraphy out of its original context to construct the life-like sense of form which target at typical characteristic of contemporary art: humor. The idea of making art out of Chinese characters originates from conceptual art. There are many instances of using original characters or made-up new characters, but it is rare to see someone making characters with images. The idea of making characters with images is away from the tradition of character making. To solidified momentary light and shadow, yearns for eternality but at the same time questions itself."
Study on the nature of things - Draft of a Requiem to My Nephew /Photography /printed on rice paper /100cm x 280cm/Edition 3+1AP/2021
Futurism of the Past - Contemplating the Past and Future in Chinese Contemporary Art, Beijing Exhibition Center(Beijing, 2021)